
Reliable and affordable transportation is essential for maintaining the independence and health of seniors. Self-driving cars may eventually solve all transportation issues; until then getting around will remain an issue for many seniors.

Many seniors can continue driving for years, but driving ability declines with age and at some point one may face the fraught issue of taking away a loved one’s car keys. For those still able to drive and those transitioning, Moneygeek’s article, Auto Loans and Transportation for Seniors, provides a good overview of options.

At some point all seniors reach then end of their driving days. AARP suggests that a good test of when someone should stop driving is whether you would be comfortable having your children as passengers in a car with that person. If the answer is “no”, start with AARP’s How to Convince Your Loved One to Retire From Driving. If reasoning doesn’t work try one or more of DailyCaring’s 8 Ways to Stop An Elderly Person From Driving When All Else Fails. Moneygeek’s Senior Driver Guide also offers helpful guidance including state-by-state laws and regulations.

Transportation options once it’s time to give up the keys vary by location but include:

  • Town or County Public Transportation Services for Seniors - Generally the cheapest option though pick-up windows can be as long as 90 minutes. An ABC New article, Easy-to-use Car Services for Elderly Drivers, details transportation resources by state. It’s from 2011, but most links are still current.

  • Uber or Lyft - Great for those who are reasonably independent and good with smart-phone apps. Can be problematic when pickup or drop off locations are not easily identified and for those with limited mobility.  

  • GoGoGrandparent - A senior-tailored interface between seniors and Lyft or Uber. No need for a smartphone; user only needs a basic cellphone. In addition to simplifying process for ordering rides, GoGoGrandparent tracks rides and will text family members confirming pick-ups and drop-offs. GoGoGrandparent adds a Concierge Fee that increases the cost of a Lyft or Uber ride by 25-30%, but well worth it for the service and peace of mind.